Meet Dr. Geldart

The future of dentistry is very bright, and I am honored to be a part of such a great profession. I believe that by creating a great smile, new opportunities are created for my patients and their families. Helping people overcome their fears and become more self-confident in their appearance opens doors for a successful life. There is no greater blessing than helping others.

My dental career began more than 25 years ago, and in that time, I have gotten to know so many amazing families in our community. I appreciate the trust my patients have placed in me and my team and consider them to be so much more than just patients; they are my friends and neighbors.

Education and Continuing Education

I am a graduate of Oral Roberts University School of Dentistry, where I earned my Doctorate of Dental Medicine in 1986. I consider myself to be a lifelong learner and am committed to developing my knowledge of the latest advances in dental technology. This advanced training has included areas such as cosmetic techniques, implant dentistry, and orthodontics. Most recently, I have completed a course in laser dentistry, which enabled me to offer laser restorations and eliminate the need for injections.

Family and Community

I grew up in Wakefield, Massachusetts, just outside Boston, and have lived in Leesburg for the past 18 years. I have been married to my wonderful wife Kim for 28 years. We have two handsome sons, Colin and Grant, as well as three playful and loving dogs.

When I am not working, I can frequently be found tinkering with one of my two motorcycles. I have worked with motorcycles ever since I was young. I also enjoy visits to Smith Mountain Lake with my family for boating, skiing, fishing, and motorcycle excursions on the nearby Blue Ridge Parkway.

As the parent of a child with autism, I am passionate about supporting any cause that helps children and adults with autism. I have been involved in the founding of the Aurora School, Loudoun’s only private school for children with autism. I am active in fundraising efforts for this school and have been recognized by the National Alliance for Autism Research for my “Smiles for Kids” program.

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